We have had some really interesting characters roaming the halls at Westdale Junior School. From Wizards to Superheroes, Grannies to Dalmatians! this can only mean one thing.....World Book Day.
Thank you so much to the children and parents who went to so much effort to produce such wonderful costumes.
The Children had a special assembly and enjoyed various reading activities throughout the day including reading with other classes and year groups.
We raised a fantastic £197 for Comic Relief on Friday and the children enjoyed wearing non-uniform. Thank you so much for all of your donations.
We welcomed Miss Holmes to our office staff team last week and she has loved meeting all the children and has made a fantastic start to this busy role.
Congratulations to Mr Prout who has been promoted to SIte Manager. As you all well know Mr Prout is an integral part of the school and we are so pleased that he has taken on this extra resposibility.
Our new library, which is situated in the old IT Suite on the Year 6 corridor, is taking shape and looking fantastic.
At the moment staff and volunteers are working hard behind the scenes to catalogue the books, using our new computer software library system and we hope that the space will be open to all pupils very soon and will also be a unique teaching space for small groups.
It is lovely to be able to hold school assemblies again and one of the highlights of this is the achievement awards on Friday. Well done to those children who were presented with one this week.
Mr Middleton will be leaving us on Friday 1st April 2022 after nearly 5 Years at Westdale Junior School. He plans to remain in education and is taking on a more flexible role to allow him to spend more time with his family.
We are sure you will join us in thanking Mr Middleton for all his hard work and wishing him the best in the next chapter in his career. We will miss him.
Mr Middleton’s replacement for the summer term will be Mrs Booth and we are looking forward to welcoming her into 3M for the Summer term.
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT