Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page!

This year, your teachers are:

Fuji - Miss McGill

Matterhorn - Miss Hamilton

We are very excited to start our new year with you all. There any many exciting things to look forward to, such as an Egyptian Day, playing the glockenspiel, and learning all about the Stone Age.

We're both so glad you're in our classes and thank you for helping us make our incredible class displays.

Year 3 Spring 1 overview:

Useful Information:

PE - PE is usually on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure you have appropriate kit in school at all times (label all of your belongings!).

Homework will be given out on Fridays and will be stuck in Homework books. Please see sheet to see when each piece of work needs completing.

Please read 4x a week and record it in your reading diaries. On Friday, we will check who has read the 4x and they will enter a raffle to win a prize!

We are looking forward to a great year with you all!

Kind Regards,

Miss McGill and Miss Hamilton

April 2024


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