Uniform and Equipment

We like our children to look smart and tidy and therefore ask that they wear our school uniform or school colours. Non Logo uniform can be bought from most supermarkets. Alternatively you can purchase sweatshirts, fleeces, PE kit, book bags and bag packs with our logo from our local uniform providers https://kitoutclothing.co.uk/shop/ols/categories/westdale-junior-school or https://myclothing.com/westdale-junior-school/7937.school


  • A navy blue sweatshirt
  • Black or grey trousers
  • Black or grey Skirt
  • Blue and white summer dress
  • A white polo shirt or shirt
  • Black shoes or plain black trainers

P.E. Kit:

  • A white T-shirt
  • A pair of navy shorts
  • Plimsolls and trainers

It is a really good idea to make sure that your child’s name is on everything in case they misplace their belongings. If your child must wear jewellery to school we ask that this is limited to a watch and a pair of stud earrings.

July 2024


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