Uniform and Equipment

Our school uniform is a really important symbol of belonging and being part of the Westdale family. We also like our children to look smart, tidy and want our children to wear their uniform with pride.

Non Logoed uniform can be bought from most supermarkets. Alternatively you can purchase sweatshirts, fleeces, PE kit, book bags and bag packs with our logo from our local uniform providers https://kitoutclothing.co.uk/shop/ols/categories/westdale-juniorschool or https://myclothing.com/westdale-junior-school/7937.school


• A navy blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece (no hoodies)

• Black or grey trousers or shorts (not tight cycling shorts)

• Black or grey skirt

• Blue and white summer dress or checked shorts/culottes

• A white polo shirt or shirt

• Black shoes or plain black trainers – (absolutely no white or coloured markings)

• A coat – warm and waterproof

• NO nail varnish

• NO make up

• NO jewellery other than a watch and stud earrings (no hoops or dangly earrings as they are a health and safety risk)

P.E. Kit (to be kept in school in a separate bag at all times):

• Long hair must be tied back for PE

  • A plain white T-shirt (no logos)

• A plain navy sweatshirt or hoodie for cold weather (no logos)

• A pair plain of navy, black or grey shorts or tracksuit bottoms (no logos) • Plimsolls or trainers

Every term we have hundreds of pieces of lost property. If they are named, we do try our hardest to return it to its rightful owner. However, thousands of pounds worth of unnamed uniform is either sent to charity shops or binned every year. It is an incredible waste that we want to try and reduce. We ask that ALL uniform is named, even if it just with a permanent marker pen on the label. We do try to scoop up any lost property at the end of each day and this can be found in the lost property box which is on the playground near the children’s entrance.

At the end of each term, we do put out all unnamed school uniform for parents to come and help themselves to. Wherever possible, we try to ensure that this is washed so that parents can have access tot free, second-hand clothing.


We provide all the stationery and books that your child needs in school. They will be given a pencil case full of equipment each year which is topped up when needed. If children bring in their own pencil cases, these will be kept in their bags until they need them for an art activity or unstructured times such as wet playtimes.

All children also need a water bottle in school at all times. They must also bring their reading diaries and reading books to school every, single day.

March 2025


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