
Statutory Information

The documents below are those required by the DfE to be published on the website.

The admissions arrangements for our school may be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council Website here: Apply for a school place. This details arrangements for selection, over-subscription criteria and an explanation of the process of applying for a school place. The Nottinghamshire County Council document “Standard Junior/Primary School criteria for admissions into Year 3 from a linked primary school” may be viewed using the following link.

(Our linked infant school is Westdale Infants School and this document outlines the criteria that we would follow if our Year 3 was over-subscribed.)

Please click here for the Primary Appeals Timetable

Please click here for the Appeal Form

Please click here for the Guidance for Parents information.

Admission Arrangements

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements in the attached policy.

Applications will be considered based on our selection criteria as outlined in the policy.

If you wish to make an application in-year, then please apply via the link below

July 2024


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