
Reading Intent

Our intent is to deliver a reading curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of reading. Progression in learning is clearly mapped from Year 2 to Year 7 in the attached knowledge progression grid.

As a junior school, most of our pupils have strong phonics knowledge. Regular opportunities for sustained practice within our curriculum ensures that this knowledge can be applied with automaticity.

We recognise that reading is an essential skill needed to access all areas of the curriculum. We encourage all pupils to read widely across a broad range of genres to establish an appreciation and love of reading, to gain knowledge across the curriculum and to develop their comprehension skills. A love of reading is further developed through a coherent and cumulative ‘reading rich’ curriculum. Nurturing children’s motivation to read with purpose and for pleasure moves children’s ‘learning to read’ into ‘reading to learn’ and opens the door to a world full of possibility.

We believe that children’s confidence will be improved by supporting them in closing the vocabulary gap. We aim to develop children’s language through explicit teaching of new vocabulary and exposing our children to a rich language environment with opportunities to hear and confidently experiment with new words. It is our intention to ensure that, by the end of their primary education, all pupils are not only able to read fluently and with automaticity but also a high level of comprehension, in any subject in their forthcoming secondary education.

July 2024


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